Sunday, 6 May 2012


Welcome to my blog for the working mom. According to, 'Desperation' is:
desperate recklessness
the act of despairing or the state of being desperate "
Sound familiar? De'spar'ation in my case and in my own spelling too, well that represents 'spar' - constant sparring with myself -  what to cook (that which does not look and taste like a disaster), how to juggle the work diary, endless housework and fulfilling my motherly duties with a loving, gracious smile on my face - and not turning into a screaming banshee.....oh yes, and don't forget the husband. I try not to live each day in a completely desperate state, but I sometimes just don't succeed. But, I have come to realise over the years that I am not alone in this daily sparring match and somehow that offers some hope. So what do I do? Get tips from friends, my mom, my sister and colleagues. In turn, I hope to share some rays of hope over the coming days and bookmark my blog and watch this space.

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